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My Github page
My Nightcafe page
skullOnTable rainbowSquirrel

Here's some of my projects

Syklon 1.0 vacuum adapter
Rostock 3D printer
Rimfakse - the autonomos racing car
IoT Button
Duck Mover
Photobooth Box
Light Tower
First Wire Game
Second Wire Game
Garage Opener
Tentacle Mold

Mobile Player Unknown Battle ground

Mobile PUBG is a game where you play PUBG on your phone/tablet. I compiled a video of some of my higlights.


It's a binary pentagram clock, loosely inspired by the Mengenlehreuhr
Available for viewing at https://pentaclock.art
You can also view the source code at Github.

Rimfakse - the autonomos racing car

Rimfakse is named after a mythical horse from Norse mythology. It is an autonomos car competing in robotic Folkrace.

Here is a picture of Rimfakse:

Rimfakse Image

Here is another picture of Rimfakse in the nude:

Rimfakse Image 2

Duck Mover

The Duck Mover is a robotic device for rubberducking, also a test of rotary encoder.

Here is an image of the Duck Mover:

Duck Mover Image

Here is another image of the Duck Mover:

Duck Mover Image

Rostock 3D printer

I made a 3D printer based on the Rostock 3D printer using Kreatures recepie and guidance.

Rostock3Dprinter Image

The electronics underneath is a RAMPS 1.4 board with an Arduino Mega 2560. The firmware is repetier.

Rostock3Dprinter Image


The Dicetower is a gaming accessory used to roll dice in a controlled manner. It helps prevent dice from falling off the table and provides a fair and random roll. This is cut and engraved with a lazercutter.

Dicetower Image

Here with open drawer:

Dicetower Image

Syklon 1.0 vacuum adapter

This is a syclone vacuum adapter I made for my home. You attach the vacuummachine to the top and the hose to the side. Then put a plastic bag on the bottom to catch the dirt.

Here it is ready befor paining:

Making Syklon Image

Here it is painted:

Painted Syklon Image

IoT Button

The IoT Button is a programmable button that can trigger actions in your connected devices or services. It can be used for various purposes such as home automation, notifications, and more.

Here is an image of the IoT Button:

IoT Button Image

Here is another image of the IoT Button:

IoT Button Image


LolliBot is a small robot designed to dispense lollipops. It uses a robotic arm to pick up lollipops from a stand and deliver them to users. I made this with Anders for a makerfaire in Oslo and gave away 3Kg of lollipots over two days. Very popular.

Here is an image of LolliBot:

LolliBot Image

Here is another image of LolliBot in action:

LolliBot Image 2

Photobooth Box

The Photobooth Box is a portable photo booth that allows users to take fun and memorable pictures at events. It is equipped with a camera, lighting, and props to enhance the photo-taking experience.

Here is an image of the Photobooth Box:

Photobooth Box Image

Here is another image of the Photobooth Box:

Photobooth Box Image

Light Tower

The Light Tower is a tall structure equipped with lights that are used for signaling business status for the person at a desk in a open office landscape. It connects to an MQTT-queue online.

Here is an image of the Light Tower:

Light Tower Image

Here is another image of the Light Tower:

Light Tower Image 2

First Wire Game

The First Wire Game is a puzzle game where players have to complete the track without touching the path. This was my first attemt.

Here is an image of the First Wire Game:

First Wire Game Image

Here is another image of the First Wire Game:

First Wire Game Image 2

Second Wire Game

The Second Wire Game is a puzzle game where players have to complete the track without touching the path. This was my second attemt. Frank helped in the making and did the coding on the server for the GUI. We made this for NDC at work.

Here is an image of the Second Wire Game:

Second Wire Game Image

Here is another image of the Second Wire Game:

Second Wire Game Image 2

Second Wire Game in use:

Second Wire Game Image 2


The Creeper is a fictional character from the game Minecraft. It is a hostile mob that explodes when it gets close to the player. The Creeper has become an iconic symbol of the game. It is made of two laser cut boxes, "fur", microcontroller and a servo.

Here is an image of the Creeper:

Creeper Image

Here is another image of the Creeper:

Creeper Image 2

Garage Opener

The Garage Opener is a device that allows users to remotely open and close their garage doors. It is controlled through a mobile app and can also be integrated with smart home systems.

Here is an image of the Garage Opener:

Garage Opener Image

Here is another image of the Garage Opener:

Garage Opener Image 2

Tentacle Mold

The Tentacle Mold is a silicone mold used to create realistic tentacle-shaped objects. It is commonly used in arts and crafts projects, cosplay, and special effects makeup.

Here is an image of the Tentacle Mold:

Tentacle Mold Image

Here is another image of the Tentacle Mold:

Tentacle Mold Image 2